Introducing Us.

We are certain that as you get to know us, you will find more value in the strawberries and farm products we work so hard to provide you.

Welcome to our farm!

We are Tim and Danielle Clark, and along with our four children, we are the proud owners of Mayberry Farms. We take great pride in bringing fresh, delicious and beautiful strawberries in June; and many other farm products all year long.

As first-generation strawberry farmers, we have learned a lot about this special crop and the many challenges to owning a business.

Our family values can be found at the heart of every decision we make. From picking containers and on-farm signage, to crop rotations and managing our pests; we carefully consider each element of our business and how it aligns with our sustainability initiatives.

On our farm we define sustainability as; our careful consideration of our environment, financial and social resources to grow fresh, delicious and beautiful strawberries, for the benefit of our family and local community.

We firmly believe we have been called to this vocation. Since 2017 we have grown a fantastic atmosphere to raise our children and foster more community amongst friends and neighbors throughout East-Central Wisconsin. The growing generosity and support from our friends and customers creates a special atmosphere at Mayberry Farms and we hope you will join us during picking season or for some event.

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